News and articles from ecm.

We keep ahead of developments, and we're happy to share.

General Interest

Machine Learning and Data Science Careers #3

ECM explore big data in part three of our guide to careers in machine learning and data science.
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General Interest

Machine Learning and Data Science Careers #2

ECM explore machine learning and separate hyperbole from opportunity in part two of our guide to careers in machine learning and data science.
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General Interest

Machine Learning and Data Science Careers

ECM explore data science and separate hyperbole from opportunity in part one of our guide to careers in machine learning and data science.
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Software |
Electronics |
Mechanical |
Maths / Physics |
Managerial / Consultancy

Why Work with ECM – Recruitment and Trust in the Job Market

For over 30 years, ECM have provided a bespoke service to recruiting high-tech companies and job-seekers in the software, engineering and physical science sectors.
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Graduate / PhD

Bright Researcher / Office Junior - Join the ECM team!

Articulate, Motivated, Microsoft Office / Databases, Friendly team; Cambridge
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Mechanical |
Managerial / Consultancy

Appeal goes out (again!) for top quality Mechanical Engineers and Consultants

Top mechanical engineers urgently sought by top consultancies and product companies!
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Software |
Electronics |
Mechanical |
Maths / Physics |
Graduate / PhD

Winners of the ECM 'Machine Learning' prize draw

Winners of ECM's “Machine Learning Terms / Technologies” puzzle – posed at the Southampton University ECS Careers Fair 2018
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Software |
Electronics |
Mechanical |
Maths / Physics |
Graduate / PhD

The ECM 'Machine Learning' prize draw

ECM's “Machine Learning Terms / Technologies” puzzle – posed at the Southampton University ECS Careers Fair 2018
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